Our investor base is quite diverse and includes professionals from various fields, such as doctors, engineers, construction workers, teachers, lawyers, financial experts, tax consultants, as well as retirees, and business owners.
Real estate management involves understanding the legalities and regulations of this industry. Renting a property isn’t as simple as it seems – laws often favor tenants over landlords, and navigating these complexities can be challenging. Our team will handle it all, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of investing in real estate without the hassle.
Our experts identify lucrative investment opportunities and manage them effectively to maximize returns. As an investor, you are a part of this process, contributing capital and then collecting your share of the profits.
Currently, Bhoomi Investments holds 620 shares in various real estate properties. We are continuously expanding our portfolio.
Bhoomi Investments is an S Corporation. This IRS-designated structure allows for income, deductions, and credits to “pass-through” to shareholders, avoiding potential double taxation. We hold regular shareholder meetings for transparency, and our dedicated property management team ensures the smooth operation of our properties. Importantly, an S Corporation provides an asset protection layer, keeping your personal assets separate from any corporate financial liabilities. This structure aligns with our commitment to safeguard investor interests and maximize returns.
We take your privacy seriously. As an S Corporation, we’re bound by regulations that ensure the confidentiality of your investment details. All information related to your investment is kept strictly confidential and is not disclosed without your consent.
Your investment returns will be detailed in a K1 document, which is distributed annually. This document provides an account of your share of income, deductions, credits, and other financial information for the year.